Volunteering themselves into the mayhem;
Their life at stake, but little did they mind.
Their focus: the safety of a beloved Nation,
Encountering terror upfront; the bravest men of its kind.
Its not just today, a whole family wept,
For the cause of a country to remain unscathed.
They've taken the bullets on their chest,
They are the true men, the true patriots; at their best.
Salutes the Nation, the audacity of its martyrs,
But shuns in shame at the divided dirty politics.
Failing so miserably, in both governing and opposing;
Little do they realize? The power hungry demagogues?
A monument charred and numerous dead,
The terror carved in the hearts of few hundred,
A resolute Nation, irreparably scarred;
The question remains unanswered, for how long so hard?
- Veena
- Dedicated to the Brave NSG Commandos, the Indian National Army, the Mumbai Police and to the numerous civilians who risked their life to save the numerous lives that they did on a day that the Face of India was re-written in the International History of Terror. 26th November 2008..